
This page explains how to create a model. Prior to creating a surfboard model we do advise you to complete your Branding and personal information

Tutorial Movie

Steps To Follow to: add a model

1. Log in or Sign Up to Surf Neutral

2, Click the Icon to Edit a surfboard model on the shapers Dashboard

3. Add a Model Name: Every model name need to be unique

4. Add a Model story:

        eg. This board is specially made to surf small waves

5. Select one or multiple values which are valid for your surfboard model in the following drop down areas:

- Technology / Construction 

- Model Type 

- Board Length 

- Board Width 

- Board Thickness 

- Tail Type 

- Fin Setup 

- Fin System 

6. Push the 'SUBMIT MY MODEL' button when the model is configured

If you need additional parameters for your model please send an email to with your request. 

Steps To Follow to: Edit a model

1. Log in or Sign Up to Surf Neutral

2, Click the Icon to Edit a surfboard model on the shapers Dashboard

3. Select the model you want to change in the 'Select Current Model' drop down box

4. Edit or add new parameters which were entered during the add model process

5. Press the button 'SAVE MY CHANGES' when the changes are done

Your updated model will now be available on the add board page.